Feelings | Teen Ink


December 13, 2017
By northwestjt BRONZE, El Paso , Texas
northwestjt BRONZE, El Paso , Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can feel the darkness
Pain seeping through the corners of thought
Eroding through my walls of comfort

I can feel my blood sluggishly moving through my veins
bones creaking through my frame
like marble cracking after years of stillness

I can feel my skin crawling with invisible viruses
Each trying to find an opening
Every sickness looking for a wound

I can feel my tears forming in the corners of my eyes
The darkness hiding them from all
The wracking sobs coming from my soul

I can feel myself dying
Dry skin cracking, bitten fingernails peeling
Thoughts of readiness, and regret

I can feel my bloodshot eyes straining against the screen
Blue eyes shining in the mirror, belonging to a different person
Contrasting colors, each showing a different story

I can feel everything


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