with no future but a question | Teen Ink

with no future but a question

December 3, 2017
By Samuel Bickett BRONZE, Centerville, Ohio
Samuel Bickett BRONZE, Centerville, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

with no future beyond a question(for love is the only answer) passion and joy consume me
like the shallow depths of my arms
i hold onto you(without you i burn for the deepest of joys)
i wait

with you i await a lifetime of mental luxury
i carry a full mind(your thoughts and self immerse me)
filled with the weight of captivation
captivation of your touch(it is all i long to have)

to let go(there is no greater wrong)
this great burden of you is one i cant,i wont alleviate
how can i bear the strength of you(for your mind is what makes my knees weak)

with no future beyond a question(your love is a weight i long to bear)

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yeehaw said...
on Dec. 5 2017 at 10:59 pm
gud stuff, gud read ,should win!