Doctor | Teen Ink


November 26, 2017
By Mayaanclade BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
Mayaanclade BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I see the sick cured, the injured, and wounded, and disabled.


The doctor carefully treats every patient, taking time to inspect.

The young children’s light slowly dimming until doctors relight it for them.

The glimmer of hope cross each parent's face as doctors heal their afflicted babies.

Medical workers consistently prescribing medication until the sickened are back on their feet.

The doctors learning as the occasional patient loses their spark of life and takes their final breath.

The doctors consoling loved ones of the patients that they did not have the power to heal.

However, motivation and determination only crosses their minds from the traumatic defeat.

The doctors continue to cure us and place back the tiny, little thump of our heart beats.

The author's comments:

It shows the importance of doctors and their responsibility and recognition. 

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