Social Media | Teen Ink

Social Media

November 20, 2017
By usertalia_ SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
usertalia_ SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
there is no such this as perfect.

Social media ruins the way we see nature. Sadly, students wake up looking at a screen everyday instead of enjoying the sunrise. Young adults see these posts about all the negative in the world and it terrifes us to go outside.

We need to camp outside under the night sky, roast marshmallows and tell stories. We need to smell the burning wood and watch the black smoke fill the sky. I want to see my peers Kayaking down the river, trying not to get stuck on the rocks. I want to see them at the carnivals with facepaint and food and after walking along the beach, trying not to get their pants wet.

Social media has eyes glued to the screen. This tiny magical box makes noises and keeps students and young adults from paying attention to what is around us and seeing the beauty of nature. Sadly, teens are worried about what everyone else is doing when they should be out swimming in people’s pool and enjoying nature.
Life has turned into how many likes your picture got or the amount of people you talk to. This generation cares so much about what other people think and how people see them; we get so caught up we forget about what’s around us.  Everyone around the globe needs to put their phone down and look out the window, whether it's raining or snowing, look outside and see what you're missing.

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