Where I am From | Teen Ink

Where I am From

February 2, 2017
By Rumdog26 BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
Rumdog26 BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from football on Saturday mornings with my dad,
and swimming in the pool while the summer sun relentlessly beats down on me
I am from living outside my comfort zone,
and standing up for what I think is right.
I am from hiking through the woods like an explorer on a quest,
and roughhousing with my brother.

I am from a steep driveway with oak trees looming overhead,
and tree limbs blocking out the sun.
I am from Sunday house renovations,
and Home Depot trips that smelled like pine.
I am from morals,
and learning how to lead people when struggling through adversity.

I am from a blown out knee in the third quarter,
and being told “you should consider skipping next season.”
I am from determination, grind, and willpower.
I am from never quit, never settle, and never give up.

I am from branching out to others in need
and working until the job gets done.
I am from an outdoorsman,
and longing to be in the backcountry hiking and camping.
I am from hunting deer in the fall,
and catching smallmouth bass in the summer.

I am from be polite and respectful around company,
and being a straight shooter because life’s too short for nonsense.
I am from an honorable family,
and not tarnishing that reputation.
I am Noah.

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