The Longest Night | Teen Ink

The Longest Night

January 26, 2017
By Buesching BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Buesching BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You are lost without the sauce, but you can also get lost in the sauce.- Radric Davis

My ears rang and the blackbirds sang,

Songs of change.
The tangerine sunset made us feel strange.
Our heart skips a beat the world stops maybe forever.
That's just perfect.
My night starts and my world ends,
The way it began.
Our eyes are on the stars looking for something,
In ourselves.
We go on a ride and lose track of time,
and ourselves.
The radio static scratching my eardrums
The Unexpected happens.
My body falls and the lights turn on,
So bright.
We share a moment for an eternity,
And eternity ends.
I can’t find myself in my own mess,
It's time to clean up.

Nevermind that we’re just getting started.
The sky opens up and the stars fall onto the lake.
Lying in a field I’m claustrophobic,
The grass hold me down.
Now my minds playing tricks on me.
The fire flicks its hot sparks at my pale face,
My skin quivers.
Our heads turn at the sound of thunder.
A crack across the sky,
And a wash of rain comes over my head.
The fire hisses at the sky.
We grab what we can and run.
The fire lets out its last light and dies.

White water rafting in the street.
The wind screamed at me.
Trees, uprooted, snapped, thrown.
Adrenaline drove us home.
Pitch skies melt away,
The moon falls behind us.
The sun follow and warms our souls,
We needed that.

The author's comments:

A piece about a Camping trip with some friends that didn't go as planned. Inspired by a song called New Direction by The Black Lips

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