January 10, 2017
By kj130 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
kj130 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
28 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A star sounds like baby blue, something so innocent and pure it makes you only smile...

A howl tastes like a cold air filling my lungs, piercing as it hits...

A circle smells like oranges on a sunday morning brunch...

A baby’s cry is bright yellow, making you want to come to it and help...

White moves in a graceful fashion, tip-toeing everywhere it goes...

A whisper looks like a dictionary, hard to read, but still there...

Mischief smells like dirt found from a garden...

The texture of turquoise feels a soft cat rubbing against your leg...

A new idea feels like silk in your hands, something that feels so amazing, but could slip away at any time...

At the center of boredom is gray clouds on a summer night, hiding the stars...

At the top of tomorrow waits a sunset, warm and inviting with infinite colors...

The swirl of loneliness sounds like angels crying golden tears...

The enemy of green hides between the shadows of the night...

The shape of the past fits inside the diamonds on my ring...

The rock bottom of October never will see the yellow sun shine...

The antonym of pink is your best friend dying, without you ever saying goodbye...

The hiding place of rain shivers underneath my eyes when I can’t learn to dance in the storms...

If you turn hope on high, you’ll see rainbows from the rooftops...

If you look underneath peace, you might hear a kitten waiting to be seen…

When you toss sadness to the wind, it returns as hope for a new day...
When you tiptoe through the Valley of Happiness, you might find a puddle waiting to ruin your day.

If you jump into the present, you’ll land in the ocean, with a million direction it can take you...

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