Snake bite Dreamworld | Teen Ink

Snake bite Dreamworld

January 9, 2017
By Mr.Rock2465 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Mr.Rock2465 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am a specter of charm.
Sitting in a basket, hiding from the master's eye.
I have colors, scales. Owner of pretty things.
“Sit down friend, have a drink, let your guard down.”
But don’t stop the music.

They call me iscariot, it’s my name.
I can see you’ll know I’ll sell your soul for gold.
Hissssssss a promise, rattle for the novice.
Sing for me and you can share with me
These pretty things.
But don’t stop the music.

I’ll leave when there's no use for you.
But now you feel the venom.
The betrayal haunts you,
Left jobless and bad blood in your tendons.

Swirling ghost rocking horse,
Strangers from wall street in pain.
Magical roundabout...
Dogs go for the crane.

I leave you with a permanent mark,
The poison I have left will kill you
And cook you inside
But I still can live without you.

Flute and a basket
And the black beady eyes.
The snake makes you think you’re safe
And those who dance in
Head Dresses of silk
Trust the snake,
Trust, the scales, disguise.

There's not enough work
If I don’t have enough money,
And I think it’s funny!
Filling your families veins with despair.

Children parading
Find a cure for their father.
They find the snake in his velvet basket…
Take the venom for the cure
Cut off his head
And give him no casket.

I am the snake!
I died all alone,
Entertain me,
With your fathers scars
While I drive to hell in the company car.

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