Sneaky tiptoes | Teen Ink

Sneaky tiptoes

January 9, 2017
By blackink12 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
blackink12 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Bright eyes, flash back at me capturing my attention.
Slowly creeping by, tiptoeing around.
Patiently waiting till everyone is asleep.
Not making a noise he makes his way to the table.
He stopped and stood eyeing all the food.

White, fluffy marshmallows flying everywhere.
He claws at the food trying to get more,
Four bars of sweet milk chocolate fall onto him.
Graham crackers spill covering the ground.

Six large footsteps growing louder,
He scurries to leave, gathering the last of the food,
not leaving a crumb behind.

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