glances | Teen Ink


January 16, 2017
By tanyacovers BRONZE, Changshu, Other
tanyacovers BRONZE, Changshu, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

my unfocused vision
notices your gentle glances in my direction,
i feel the urge
to stare back, to catch you in the act
of breaking my patchwork heart.

my rasping voice
cracks with every word i have yelled.
every time he re-enters
my mind shatters,
why does he still control

my aching heart,
that is now falling down
towards the gentle glances
even though it has not healed
from the glances past?

gentle glances,
your eyes caress my skin
the way that it was caressed
when my voice was rasped.

can i risk another tear
into the fabric of my being
or should i stray from gentle glances
because of unkind glances past?

The author's comments:

This is a piece I wrote after being really damaged by a previous relationship. The speaker is someone who finds themselves falling easily, but is scared to love again due to they way they were hurt in the past. The metaphor of glances is used to signify the delicacy and impermanence of love.

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