Winter is Here | Teen Ink

Winter is Here

January 7, 2017
By shreya5785 SILVER, Pine Brook, New Jersey
shreya5785 SILVER, Pine Brook, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Treat me like a queen and I'll treat you like a king. Treat me like a game and I'll show you how its played.

Marshmallows bobbing in the steaming liquid,
Like apples on Halloween
Icy hands wrapped around the warm mug,
A makeshift furnace
The children shriek excitedly
Outside the winter cabin.
Inside the parents smile,
Snuggled up in a fleece blanket,
In front of the crackling, dancing flames.
The snow floats down,
Each flake unique.
The little girl with the pale hair
stands on the porch,
Pink tongue darting out at intervals
Straining to catch a snowflake,
Any one, just one.
The little boy with the dark hair
Packs some snow into a perfect ball,
Eyebrows furrowed in concentration,
He lets it fly
Soaring through the air
It finds its mark
Dripping down her neck.
Playful screams fill the chilly night,
She springs herself onto him.
Two little kids rolling in the snow,
An inseparable bond
One that won’t be forgotten.

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