Stronger Than It All | Teen Ink

Stronger Than It All

January 5, 2017
By Kmg1225 BRONZE, West Springfield, Massachusetts
Kmg1225 BRONZE, West Springfield, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” - Albus Dumbledore

At first I felt like an exoskeleton
But now I feel powerful
Because I realize now
That you’re like a politician


A slimy little liar
Who skims by off of other people
Like a leech sucking the life from them
You’re the one who decided
That the nuclear bomb was in order
You’re the one who set it off on me


But that doesn’t matter any more
Because you are the one
You are the one who exploded that day
Not me I skyrocketed
I built myself up from that


you can’t hurt me
You never did hurt me
And you never will
Because on that day i may have felt empty
But now I’m the most powerful thing there is


No one will knock me down again

Not you or your little friends who plot their lives away
I am stronger than just you
I am stronger than it all

The author's comments:

For this piece I was given a few certain words to work with, and I had to write a letter to an old flame without letting it get Sappy. So this is what I wrote

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