Life Song | Teen Ink

Life Song

January 4, 2017
By mkinsella BRONZE, Covington, Kentucky
mkinsella BRONZE, Covington, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Cant be waiting

Time is wasting

they be hating

Im just creating

New day, same man

I got 2 tests and 3 quizzes, hey thats a shame damn

I thank God for giving me breathe to breath, life to live

But at the end of the day I have not much to give

Its hectic, I need my breakfast

Then I be jetting

I got school, job, theatre, and homework

Im always fretting

I need to study, learn my lines, and keep track of my paychecks

But if i dont keep up it will all be a trainwreck

One, Im still not done, school aint about all fun

You gotta work hard, study hard, and participate

GPA, ACT, SAT, doesnt that all sound great?

Two, this aint a ruse, so you can be excused

I dont play sports, but theatre is my life so dont be rude

Our plays are largely viewed, so take a seat my dudes

You may not like the show but theres not need to keep the attitudes

Three, Dairy Queen is where I make my green

Sometimes a customer may come in and be mean

Always have someone who wants fries with no salt

But talk to my friend Ally, she makes a mean malt

Thats the end of it, Im done with this

I had a little fun with this

Now I gotta recheck my email for the cast list

The author's comments:

all about me

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