What Does It Mean To Be Black | Teen Ink

What Does It Mean To Be Black

December 15, 2016
By TheBoyWithTheAfro BRONZE, Memphis,TN, Tennessee
TheBoyWithTheAfro BRONZE, Memphis,TN, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do I know what it means to be black?
I guess just a little
But sometimes I find it hard to understand this riddle


I don't talk or sound black
I wasn't born in a ghetto
But is that what it means to be black?
No, I don't think so

I suck at basketball
My hair has no twists at all
But I'm still black

I struggle with my identity
When my people call me their enemy
"Oh he's trying to act black"
I try to act like my own kind?
Those kind of things is what apparently sets me behind


We can use so many words to slander eachother
While heroes like Maclom X tell us to unite every black sister and brother

So how do I do it?
I don't know how
I guess I'll leave this riddle unsolved

for now...

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