The Idea of Love | Teen Ink

The Idea of Love

December 13, 2016
By AshleySanders22 BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
AshleySanders22 BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Control what you can. Confront what you can't." -John O'Callaghan V

When I went to my relative’s house,
Upon greetings came questions
“Have you found someone to love?”

“Love?” I responded. “I’m only sixteen.”
What exactly did they mean?

I simply stated that the boys are cute, nifty, and neat
One even made my heart skip a beat.


That’s not where I’m looking to be.
I’m in school, up and ready to see.
Learning and gazing upon subjects,
Not questioning who’s going to be my next subject.

You see, I’m only sixteen
I’ve only just happened to be

Love is a form of complexity
That has yet to be the end of me.
What I mean,
Is that I’ve only happened to be.

I’m not looking for a boy to marry
But an education to get me on the ferry
To new and more opportunity
In my future where I want to be.

You see,
I’m only sixteen
I don’t need a boy to love—
Just yet—
But a scholarship for the most pristine
University, that I will never forget.

I want to be a neuroscientist.
Writing and making a list
Of what I want to do and be
And love,
That’s a topic I’m still waiting to dwell.

You see,
I’m only sixteen
The world has just begun.
I do the speech, the badminton, and the societies
To stay away from all these mediocrities.

I’ve only just begun to explore
What exactly this world has in store.

Boys and love can wait another day.
I’m a girl who doesn’t want to stay
In the same cycle as everyone else—
I want to get out and experience life for myself

I want to be successful.
And I can with only the use of a pencil
Writing my own story
All my fame and glory

It can all still exist in the name of love,
But, I’m only sixteen and just happened to be

You see,
I love my family, sports, animals, and winter night movies.
When it comes to romantic instead of platonic
It will be when I’m ready—

I’m not trying to sound petty
Love is a complexity;
I’ve only just been able to comprehend
And, I don’t need you to give me a lend.

I’m going my own way,
Without the help and needing to stay
In a boy’s arms and gaze.
I’ve entered my own maze

Of Life.

There is so much for me to do and become
I only need to worry about love only some

Of the time,
Whether it be family, school, sports, or late night talks
That’s all that I should have to worry about.

You see,
I’m only sixteen
I’ve only just happened to be
I don’t need a boy’s embrace.
I am running my own race

And, I’m winning
By myself,
In the ocean of life
Riding the waves
I don’t need to be a wife
Not yet,
I’m willing to bet.

For you,
You should be able to decide what is true
And tell them to go screw!
Their own life together

You and I are a feather—
Drifting with the wind
And depending on the weather
Is where we end up to be

You see,
When it comes to life, we’ve only just happened to be
In the end, we are all only sixteen.

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Joe S said...
on Dec. 17 2016 at 11:43 pm
Love it and love you! Proud!