Time. | Teen Ink


October 21, 2016
By Morgan1503 BRONZE, Newmarket , New Hampshire
Morgan1503 BRONZE, Newmarket , New Hampshire
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Sun shines through my transparent window,
A cold breeze travels swiftly around my room which wakes me up in an instant,
A black and blue striped bathing suit covered with a tan sweater lays on my white dresser,
Empty bottles of sunscreen thrown on the floor of my cluttered, unorganized cell of secrets,
A pair of old beat up flip flops sits in a corner.

I wander down the stairs with stiff legs and cold toes,
And sit down at the congested black table,
chatters about what the day will hold.

Bacon and eggs sizzle on the stove,
Hot coffee brews in the kitchen,
Crisp feel of fall on my skin,
Where did the summer go?

The author's comments:

This piece of writing is showing the passage of time. It is about Summer turning to Fall. I hope that this poem will help people slow down. Life is short, stop and smell the roses. When you slow down you will find things that are truely amazing that you could've never noticed. 

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