Those Who Dont | Teen Ink

Those Who Dont

October 10, 2016
By Churro BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Churro BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I've learned all about life with a ball at my feet"

Those who don't eat die, i'm so hungry so I might die and then just cry haha thats a lie i'm kind of shy but i'm a pretty cool guy but now I wonder why my phone is dry and why i'm so hungry. Me and my sister both get mad when we get hungry it's like in the snickers commercials. God a snickers would be so bomb right now. I'm tired I have so much homework but i’m stuck here writing this slowly debating if i should just go get food. My stomach is like monster I hear it mumbling. Now my arm is starting to hurt. I wonder when I get to leave so I can go get some food my dude. I want to order the whole chick fil a menu. I have no clue what's not amazing on there. I just can't wait to stuff my face with things that i can eat i'm starving I wonder how everyone else feels i'm wondering who else is this hungry.

The author's comments:

Read this because im hella lit my dudes.

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