the infernal spice | Teen Ink

the infernal spice

October 18, 2016
By writer778 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
writer778 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I hear the commercial on the radio.
I know the season begins when trees turn.
I smell the season in the air.
I taste my enemy in snacks, tempted by my mother!
The spice takes over my shelves and cabinets.
I step through the door and my foe invades my senses.
Decorated walls stand with infernal bright neon colors.
Kitchen, loft, bedrooms even bathrooms decorated of my foe.
I can’t  escape the month long siege.
Days pass, as more foes enter the battlefield and wait for the October weeks to pass.
When the snow falls, as does my foe.
No more food, decorations, smells or parties.
Away with my enemy-  away with pumpkin spice - away with the season.  
Pumpkins, pumpkin spiced treats, and putrid decorations, vanish.
Hello, Christmas lights.

The author's comments:

its a poem about food

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