The Outside Noise | Teen Ink

The Outside Noise

October 13, 2016
By claire78010 BRONZE, Ridgway, Pennsylvania
claire78010 BRONZE, Ridgway, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As a little girl as small as I
I thought life would be as easy as pie
Not in my case,
At least not then
My life as a book,
Would be labeled “Mess”
My hair a dark bowl of strings,
A curved mess with bangs
With metal blocks along my teeth
My forehead with many red dots,
Almost like brail
Nearly made me go off the rails
It was hard at first,
It was for many,
But I knew to keep my heart steady
I knew I had to be ready
I ignored the outside noise
And focused on the inside instead
For every mean comment,
My friends told me otherwise

They were the people who didn’t let me down
What people say shouldn’t get to you
I’m better now,
Way too overly confident, that’s true
Just be yourself and you’ll get through
With a friend or by yourself
Always know to be true to you

The author's comments:

I was small and vulnerable. I let kids get me down, but I rose up and now i'm more confident than ever.

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