Catharsis | Teen Ink


July 21, 2016
By KathyB SILVER, Omaha, Nebraska
KathyB SILVER, Omaha, Nebraska
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." -Ferris Bueller

I used to cry myself to sleep

Because I couldn’t cry in front of anyone else.

My emotions were my enemy,

But I let them take over everything about me.


I was led into some bad habits.

They were very hard to break.

And once they were gone,

I couldn’t move on.

There was nothing to fill the void.


Well, one day I was feeling down

And a frown wouldn’t leave my face.

Then I remembered that I had one thing,

One more ace up my sleeve.


So I picked up my little, yellow ukulele

And the moment I strummed, I couldn’t believe it.

My tears dissolved,

And I firmly resolved

That a happy-sounding song was the answer.


My voice was off-key

And the strings weren’t tuned

But the music flowed through my veins,

A song in a moment that would never happen again.


But it was a start.

It was like something clicked in my heart.

It was therapy and relief,

A distraction from worry.

It was whatever I needed it to be.


Now, I don’t cry myself to sleep as much.

My frowns don’t last as long.

My emotions no longer wear the crown,

And I find myself more up than down.


But when that darkness threatens

To cover the skies

And I feel I don’t belong.

I just pick up my little, yellow ukulele,

And play a happy-sounding song.

The author's comments:

I recently taught myself to play the ukulele and my mind has thanked me immensely. I hope everyone finds something that brightens his/her day a little and turns his/her negative thoughts into positive ones.

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