Caged | Teen Ink


June 18, 2016
By avak13 BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
avak13 BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Why is why why?"

I am becoming to the putridly soft sheets that I succumb to each night,
Resting as though I had something, anything to wake up to in the deceitful dawn.
Sick! I am becoming
Of the very sight the lavishly stuffed furniture that I perch on each grueling day,
Forcing my mind upon books when I should be applying it to something of pay
I am by the tea that touches my lips each night,
Perfectly warmed, like the rouge that suffocates my cheeks
Which masks my burning resentment.
I am becoming of the mundane,
Cursed, cursed, cursed half life that me and my sisters are forced to uphold,
Stuffing our vain lusts in our rotting souls 
Like stomachs within corsets.

The author's comments:

I was interested in exploring the role of females in the Mid 19th Century and write about how the feminist movement was just  beginning to spark. I hope you enjoy it! 

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