The Tunnel | Teen Ink

The Tunnel

June 12, 2016
By TheNerdOfSerendipity SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
TheNerdOfSerendipity SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One tunnel I stumbled upon

a short yet simple tunnel

I know not of the end
I know not of the tract
I know not of my origin
but regardless of ignorance
but regardless of my preference
but regardless of my state
a channel of roads lay ahead
a promise of more to come
a danger that frightens and entreats
this is my simple life
this is my mortal existence
this is my life consistent of choices
it is time to continue forward
it is time to discover my boundaries
it is time to live a life off short supply
a short yet simple tunnel
One tunnel I stumbled upon

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