Feel No Ways | Teen Ink

Feel No Ways

June 2, 2016
By carolinagmendoza BRONZE, Key Biscayne, Florida
carolinagmendoza BRONZE, Key Biscayne, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Do not feel entitled, to have feelings of steel

That’s not what is important, there is more to life
The importance of it, is to feel something real

Sometimes your true feelings, come out at night
And connecting with them isn’t as easy as it seems
Because connecting with them isn’t easy in the light

It’s better in many cases to feel no ways
To satisfy yourself, and to save yourself
That’s just the way things tend to play

Feelings are meant to be felt
And aren’t supposed to become oblivion
Although at times they aren’t necessarily dealt

They tend to be ignored and forgotten therefore
We tend to remember how real
It is to actually feel

As humans we just want to groove it
And we want to disconnect from what he call reality
Because we are scared to face the struggles of scenarios that come along with actuality

But we have to remember
And put into perspective
Why we were forced to remember in the first place

The author's comments:

The song by Drake inspired this piece 

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