Drip drip | Teen Ink

Drip drip

May 10, 2016
By wilsonismissing BRONZE, Bordentown, New Jersey
wilsonismissing BRONZE, Bordentown, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My hands are still shaking

From what I've seen today
With every moment vivid--
Pressed into my mind like tattoo

I can still hear the drip drip
The drip drip
The drip drip
Of the blood falling from my fingertips

Feel the life
From the warmth
Of your blood
On my hands

My hands are still shaking
From what I've seen today
The trauma is setting in
Establishing a residence in my brain

I can still hear the pulse
Filling up the room
Overwhelming my senses--
The rush of some unseen assailant, surely

Possibly it was some hero
Coming to our rescue--
Coming to fix you
Coming to save me

But there was no assailant
No other party
Just us
Just you and me

And that thunderous sound--
That galloping pace--
That frantic frenzy--
That was me...

That was my drip drip
Drip drip

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