It's Not a Phase, Mom! | Teen Ink

It's Not a Phase, Mom!

May 4, 2016
By Penndragon BRONZE, St John, Vermont
Penndragon BRONZE, St John, Vermont
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I look through the dark curtain that is my hair at all the people around me. All of them are oblivious to what is happening around them.
The pain. The suffering.
In other words, society.
This black hole that we’re forced to live in. Forced to conform and become a world of meaningless drones, all the same. Never different.
Humanity. The word is like a poison, coursing through me like electrical currents through the technology that has taken over our minds. Our souls.
That is, those who have one.
There aren’t many nowadays. All the beliefs of the government have pushed them away, leaving empty shells with no thought of their own. No ability to dream and inspire.
It’s difficult to explain, because no one understands me. I am alone in my realization that the world is slowly dying. It’s crumbling away like a vampire in the sunlight. Like me in the sunlight.
I may not have the fangs or the immortality, but when I see those ethereal beings sparkling in the light I know that’s where I belong. Among the undead. Among the non-living.
While there is a heart beating in my chest its noise has become a drumroll leading up to the moment I join my comrades.
When I am no longer surrounded by the false happiness the people around me have. When there is no one posing as though for a picture. Because where I’ll be, no one would show up on the screen.
Living in these modern times…No, not living. Simply existing alongside those who tell me I’m delusional. Well, I call it dreaming. They call it angst; I call it being strongly opinionated. They call a phase; I call it a lifestyle.
I can no longer change my beliefs than I can change anything else that makes me, me. It is part of my journey to find myself, and I think that I am near the end. Some may see my intense stares and dark clothing as an act of defiance, but I see it as the start of the end. Because when the earth is consumed by fire and I am amongst those like me, all those materialistic things will be gone, and my thoughts and dreams will be all I have. And you will have nothing.
And as I watch the world fall, I will know this is what is to be and I would smile, but that would ruin my reputation.

The author's comments:

This is just a little parody piece making fun of teen angst and stuff. Lots of fun to write, hopefully as fun to read.

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