Russell Military Museum | Teen Ink

Russell Military Museum

April 27, 2016
By 18clakai BRONZE, Viroqua, Wisconsin
18clakai BRONZE, Viroqua, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It is a beautiful day.

I get out of the car with my grandfather and
A friend of his, who we call Uncle Tom.

We step out of the sunlight and into the reception area. 
Waiting on the other end of the wall is

A vast hangar filled to the brim with memorabilia from wars past.

A quiet environment, nothing like what its occupants represent.

I snap photo upon photo of the wonders
Inside as I peruse the galleries.

Vehicles, weapons, insignia.

In one area, symbols of the Nazis sit imprisoned behind glass,
Manifestations of an ultimate evil.  Good thing we have so many relics from our side
To keep them at bay.

At the far end of the hangar sit reminders of the aerial battles--model planes, engines, Pieces of planes with pictures on them.
Oxygen-masked, half faceless dummy airman stands at his post, waiting for a mission
That one can only hope will never come.

Tanks, trucks, and aircraft line the sides and middle of the enclosure.
One particular oddity: a plane/helicopter combo vehicle.

I get my picture taken with a G.I. helmet on. 
I may look tough for the moment, but
It’s still good this isn’t actual combat.

Outside, even more wonders can be seen.
Rows of old helicopters sit doing nothing.  It is all they can do, since their wings are


Armored vehicles accompany them in retirement, along with sporty fighter planes,
A ground-attacker with an enormous cannon, and two weird-looking helicopters.
One chopper is tall and skinny; the other fat and bulbous.

Later, we are treated to a ride in a boxy, tanklike vehicle.
I man the now-gunless turret, and we go on a
Loud,       Path.                          


Exciting      Circular

Mission on a


It has been a long day. 
I have all the photos I need
And more.

I have seen many things, and although I won’t be back for some time now,
I wouldn’t mind going again to experience the awesomeness
Even better.

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