Great Oak | Teen Ink

Great Oak

April 11, 2016
By HeartShapedBox SILVER, Jackson, Mississippi
HeartShapedBox SILVER, Jackson, Mississippi
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I see that dead Tree everyday

Finally It's starting to decompose

The leaves are finally falling

Finally Fall

I remember when It bloomed

Great, strong, and unwaivering

The way It swayed in the wind


I remember the vivid shades of elation and understanding

Providing the very element that made me feel

It made me feel alive


Bare limbs barely reaching for the Sun that no longer shines

Ceased of existance that bright star

Now it warms bushes of the same forest


Ever so often, the branches will feel rays peek timidly

Never again will the Sun be high 

Never again will that Tree be great

So mother nature weeps

The author's comments:

The tree within the poem is a representation of love and the sun is the person that the speaker loved. Here is view of a relationship through the eyes of mother nature.

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