Late Night Talks | Teen Ink

Late Night Talks

April 1, 2016
By JilliBean101 SILVER, Charlotte, North Carolina
JilliBean101 SILVER, Charlotte, North Carolina
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You usually ignore me

with the occasional text

saying hey,

or asking how I am.

But during the night

I'm the only one awake,

so you have to tell me everything,

like how your brother is sick

or how you know you failed your math test.

I don't complain,

I simply let you talk

wishing I had someone who did this for me.

Once you are done

discussing yourself

you make up a reason to go,

leaving me with unfinished thoughts,

questions for you.

But they must wait

until the next time

the next night

when you decide I'm worthy enough

of your attention.

And I will always be here,

never smart enough to say


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