I Come From | Teen Ink

I Come From

April 1, 2016
By BlankCanvas BRONZE, Urbandale, Iowa
BlankCanvas BRONZE, Urbandale, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Compared to a lot of things around me.
I come from a different world, a world within their world.
A third world.
I come from struggles
From contentment
Wonky neighbors, communities, and families.

I’m a result of conflicts.
Of trivial desires and strong feelings.
                            Of a moment.

I originate from peaceful sights on Golden Beach
From bustling streets with peculiar smells
Sweltering summers and rain invested winters
I originate from Red, White and Blue.
                     From the lone star.

I am the effect of hard work.
Of a fighter
A single mother.
The repercussion of strict rules.
Respect branded in me
Obedience molds my body.

I am an original stereotype, insanely mindful.
I strive to forge new roads.
I am conventionally unconventional
I walk the unpaved jungle lighting my own way.

No matter where I go
There’s one thing I’ll always for sure know

I come from  a different world.
A world within their world, a third world.

I will  always have arms to return.
A culture that is my own.
A sense of self that is me.

The author's comments:

My background, roots and culture is very important to me. It's made me who I am. Every moment in my life has shaped me in some way and this is just a little tribute to the bigger things.

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