The Fall of Pompeii | Teen Ink

The Fall of Pompeii

March 18, 2016
By 6daury SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6daury SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The radiant sun beats down on the city.
A single cloud drifts across the blue sky.
Voices of children ring through the city streets.
A glorious volcano stands over the city.
This volcano would deliver death to the city...

The ground instigates it, starting to shake.
Stomaches become uneasy.
Citizens start to wonder what could be happening.
The people gaze at the volcano,
This volcano would deliver death to the city…

The ground rumbles throwing people to the ground.
Lava spews out of the volcano’s top.
Crashing down the sides, it heads for the city.
Looking like an avalanche, there was nothing that could be done.
This volcano would deliver death to the city…

People scrambling, Seeing loved ones for the last time.
Lava crashing down.
With a final breath, people glance at the volcano.
This volcano would deliver death to the city...

A young boy watches from a nearby island.
He sees the destruction.
His uncle lived on Pompeii,
But he will never see him again.
This volcano delivered death to the city.

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