Roaring Waters | Teen Ink

Roaring Waters

March 18, 2016
By MarisaK6 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
MarisaK6 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Rain ripping through the wind,
stinging at every touch of the skin.
A crew praying for a miracle,
not a single one in sight.

Faint color peeking through the rain drops,
men’s screams pierce the air.
Getting closer and closer,
their hearts fill with hope.

As the thick fog rolls away,
they hear something screeching.
The ship grates against the rocks,
like sandpaper.

The men silence,
they know it’s coming.
Ice cold water seeps in,
around their toes, then ankles, then knees.

As the water roars, the ship gets carried away.
Gasping for breathe, one man makes it to shore.
He scans the water for his men.
Not a single one in sight.

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