Rome-- Grand Ancient City | Teen Ink

Rome-- Grand Ancient City

March 17, 2016
By LHenzlik GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
LHenzlik GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Fingers tick on papyrus as numbers equate to pain.

I scroll, compute, keep records tight.
Imprison, dissatisfaction, and shame.

Bulky door opens as I inhale the crisp air.
I turn and run toward my new life.
Independent, uncontrolled, and hope.

Abandoned building as my new home.
I hide soundlessly as footsteps intensify.
Fear, anxiety, and confusion.


The Colosseum is filled with anticipation.
I cover my face as an innocent slave loses his head.
Guilt, ruthless, and inhumane.

The author's comments:

this is a poem about the ancient world

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