I can be a Champion | Teen Ink

I can be a Champion

March 17, 2016
By JDort BRONZE, Spring Lake, Michigan
JDort BRONZE, Spring Lake, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can be a champion
I’ll keep with my dream,
I was so convinced I couldn’t do it,
I didn’t even believe in me.
I should have never doubted me.

I’ll be a champion, if I work for it.

I will put in that work,
I’ll be a fighter to end to my last breath,
I’ll hustle to my last breath

I’ll be a champion, if I work for it.

I’ll be the best there ever will be
I want to be a champ for the misfits,
I want to be a champ for the ones who said I couldn’t do it

I’ll be a champion, if I work for it.

The author's comments:

this poem was inspired by the Song Last breath.

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