It's a Man's World | Teen Ink

It's a Man's World MAG

March 25, 2016
By SydneyEstherThier SILVER, Harrisonburg, Virginia
SydneyEstherThier SILVER, Harrisonburg, Virginia
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
There is nothing to writing. You sit down at a typewriter and bleed.

They say she came
from a rib-shaped seed –
small and unessential.
Her existence
depending solely on his,
“I am of you and for you.”
She was defined
by what came first;
Strength; Masculinity; He.
Doomed by Her femaleness,
bound by the attention of men
with ulterior motives.
Foolish; silly; weak;
The Mother of All Sin –
still paying for the ignorance
of her sons.
But, if they are correct,
She was borne
from the bones
that guard the chest –
powerful and protective.
Her existence
deriving from his,
“I am of you,
but I am not owned
by you.”
Defined by what
he cannot be;
Giver of Life.
Denounced for Her femaleness,
innate in her evilness,
tongue clipped
by the arrogance of men
with ulterior motives.
The Mother of All Sin
held a man’s world
in Her hands
and cast him out
of Eden.
The Mother of All Children –
shamed for picking an apple from a tree
when perhaps the greatest sin of all
was making Her               for Him.
                           a mirror

The author's comments:

The oppression of women by means of religious ideology is immediately invalidated when we choose to use it for empowerment.

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