Dreamer Disease | Teen Ink

Dreamer Disease

March 23, 2016
By 123carly BRONZE, Carbondale, Pennsylvania
123carly BRONZE, Carbondale, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We see the sights, but here no sounds
A deafening silence comes about
The disease we carry is ambition, ambition to fly far away
We’re dreamers with our hearts on a mission
A crippling voice chimes in, but we don’t listen
Why would we listen
It speaks of tragedy and pain, but all we do is hope for better days
We immense ourselves in the pleasure we find
It’s not a lot, but we’re doing just fine
And in the end we’ll always be dreamers, but we can always call ourselves achievers
From the start to end we will know in our hearts that our absurd dreams kept us alive from the start

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