Not Ready | Teen Ink

Not Ready

February 11, 2016
By Zacono BRONZE, Cairo, New York
Zacono BRONZE, Cairo, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If There's A Will, There's A Way"

I have a strong attraction towards you
I trust none other as I do you
Your on my mind from when I wake up to when I fall back asleep
Sometimes I swear I’m in love with you
But we are in High school
Everyone says it’ll never last
That I would forget you when I’m in college
Everyone says I should focus only on my schoolwork rather some girl
These people are usually right with what they say
But I plead that this time they are wrong
Because I love you
You’re beautiful with little effort
When I say you’re beautiful I mean more than looks
You’re an angel from my purest dreams
There’s not a thing that I could change about you
I constantly long for your loving touch
Even if it rarely comes
My favorite part of the day is when I hold you in my arms,
Place my forehead to yours,
And look deep into your sparkling eyes
When night time comes to be is when I miss you most
I lay alone in my bed
The only other time I ever felt this alone was before we got together
I wish to just hold you, with our fingers interlocked
Your head on my chest
listening to my constant calm and steady heartbeat

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