Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

February 8, 2016
By ThisNameIsClassified BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
ThisNameIsClassified BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the suburbs of a city that

Never falls asleep, is in a rush, and full of angry drivers
Annoyed and Excited… 

I am from a house that
Was divided into two, change of scenery, and was changed by one decision
Concerned and Unaware… 

I am from multiple families coming together
One created because of my birth
Two created when I was seven
And two more were added afterward
Excitement and Sadness…

I am from the a state of mind ...
“If the food tastes good, if it doesn’t kill me within 24 hours, then the food is good to me”  , “I wasn’t up all of last night, I slept for at least 15 minutes” , “Rubbing a little dirt on a open wound, wouldn’t be the smartest of ideas”
Rebellious and Serious…

I am from
Reading, skateboarding, and coding video games
Enjoyment and Pleasure…

I am from wishing of
Being someone famous on the Internet
Instead of focusing on the things that matter in life
Persistence and commitment…

I may not be
The smartest, fastest, or even the funniest guy, but when I want something …
I won’t stop until it happens. Being myself and not conforming to the people
around is all that matters to me.

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