Tarnov, Poland 1942 | Teen Ink

Tarnov, Poland 1942

February 3, 2016
By SarahGold BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
SarahGold BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Trees sway in multitudes of colors
Above me now in the brisk wind

Orange, red, and green
A perfect palette for the sky,
So nearly white, the leaves caress their canvas

I stand within a whirlwind
Of color and of grace,
Leaves dance a melancholy waltz
While branches keep the rhythm

A beauty this enticing,
Can only be a veil
For evil always finds a way to permeate the peace

Eyes wander to the ground,
Eight thousand final footprints
Accompanied by mine

I step away and watch mine fade,
Then theirs, one at a time
As death erases all existence,
All except for mine

A last embrace, for death is near
Emotion far away
A shame to have a pretty face look death straight in the eye,
Tears left unshed as darkness steals away our last goodbye

The leaves no longer dance,
And silence mimes the branches

Now only screams remain,
Eight thousand final screams,
Forever floating in the wind
Intertwining with the darkness.

The author's comments:

 Recently visited Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland

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