A Friend | Teen Ink

A Friend

January 30, 2016
By lastsongofthesparrow PLATINUM, Auburn, New Hampshire
lastsongofthesparrow PLATINUM, Auburn, New Hampshire
20 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Freedom lies in being bold." - Robert Frost

A friend is somebody you can trust,
With everything you say and do,
And you know that you have a friend,
When they can also trust in you.
A friend is like an angel,
Sent down from the heavens above,
They fill your world and soul with happiness,
They share with you joy and love.
A friend can make the simplest moments,
The most permanent in your life,
They can make your frown a smile,
They can make something wrong be right.
A friend is a gift that is special indeed,
A friend is like silver and gold,
They journey with you throughout childhood,
And they’re there for you when you become old.
A friend is a person that you need in your life,
They help you with everything you do,
A friend is someone that makes you feel like you’re something,
A friend is a person like you.

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