Missives of Life are Not so Kind | Teen Ink

Missives of Life are Not so Kind

January 22, 2016
By Brandon_Lin BRONZE, Great Neck, New York
Brandon_Lin BRONZE, Great Neck, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A deep sorrow fills my heart,
As stolen memories fly by my mind.
Fragments of the past fill the air,
Missives of life are not so kind.

Lollipops and chocolate bars,
The sonorous sound of laughter,
Cards thrown and yells exchanged,
Life was not so kind.

Stalemates are reached here and there,
Trapping me in my own purgatory.
Eulogy’s read and thoughts are destroyed,
People have come and gone.
Voyeurs watch and say their words,
Haunting me of the past.
I am trapped behind a door,
Adamantine to my attempts.

The shards of mirror fly past me,
Reflecting who I am.
My past has simply come and gone,
A recrudescence to the mind.

I don’t understand, the raveled words,
Buried in my mind,
The sibylline thoughts taunting me,
Missives of life are not so kind.

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