I Knew | Teen Ink

I Knew

January 16, 2016
By LemonRine BRONZE, Uniontown, Ohio
LemonRine BRONZE, Uniontown, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"If there is happiness, I want to be it, and if there is no such thing, I will create it."

You always preferred to drown
Instead of swim
So yes I knew,
You were the one, the one who tied the anchor to my feet
And yes I knew,
You watched me drown
Because you were to stubborn to set me free
You were to stubborn,
Even when you saw I couldn’t breathe
And yes I know,
you are what killed me.
i once believed drowning was the scariest thing

You helped me face my fears.
And the only way to do that,
Was to watch me gasp for air, arms flailing,
To watch my face turn slowly pale.
So yes I knew
It was you
Who yanked the light from my eyes so selfishly
And the bravery straight from my heart.
Yes I knew,
You were the only one capable of leaving me so cold.


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