Breathe | Teen Ink


January 20, 2016
By Anonymous

Now night has come
Now time has gone
And quietly I sit

I think my thoughts
I lift my head
And feel my muscles clench

It is my time
Screams my raging heart
My time to wail and weep

And hearing this,
I pause to feel
The pain I quietly keep

And just as I'm about to dive
Head first into the fight,
I hear a single, lonely word
Which, for me, ends the night.

They say
Once, twice and more
Breathe, and the pain relents,
Breathe in and out
And shut it down,
It's all just in your head.

The fire stoked,
Already hot,
My heart tries to resist

To tell me “no”
This must go on
Or the pain will not relent

My heart,
With all romantic wisdom,
Strength and love and truth

Decided to gamble
All of itself
And tries to get me through

The biggest fight
Was never seen
Or showed on CBS

The biggest fight
That ever took place
Was fought within my breast.

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