Glass | Teen Ink


January 18, 2016
By Manona_Ray GOLD, Newton, Wisconsin
Manona_Ray GOLD, Newton, Wisconsin
10 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nothing&#039;s impossible; the word itself says &quot;I&#039;m possible!&quot;<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ~Audrey Hepburm

People have many Ideas
as to what love is.
Some say it’s like
a roller coaster;
others say it is simply
the ride of your life.
But I'm not writing this
to list off common
conceptions of love.

I believe that love is
like a glass vase.
Because often times,
it is an incredibly beautiful thing.
The vase can be filled,
just like lovers hearts when together.

But eventually,
the vase can crash to the floor
and shatter.

You can clean up
the mess it made,
but when you walk,
you can still sometimes
feel the shards cut
into your bare feet;
just like the end of a relationship.

You can break all ties with him,
drink your sorrows away,
or whatever way you choose to grieve.

But months later,
when you have
a new date to prom,
you see the spot where
he first kissed you,
or hear that one song
that he’d blast on the radio
whenever it came on.
The emotions you buried,
and the memories painfully
flood back to you.
You’ve done all you can
to move on from that day,
yet you find yourself back
at his grave again.

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