My Watercolors | Teen Ink

My Watercolors

January 15, 2016
By Manona_Ray GOLD, Newton, Wisconsin
Manona_Ray GOLD, Newton, Wisconsin
10 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nothing&#039;s impossible; the word itself says &quot;I&#039;m possible!&quot;<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ~Audrey Hepburm

People don’t realize that
depression is more than a
constant sadness.
In reality, it is more like

You have the bright colors;
red, yellow, green, and blue
that convey happiness and joy,
the positives in life.

But then there is also black,
black that shows sorrow, and despair.
it hides the the secrets you hold;
the one locked in your bedroom.

And you know that,
when you paint,
you will eventually have to use
the black paint.
And, when you do,
the watercolors blend
and blur together.
Your picture, once bright and cheery,
Is now tainted with darkness.

Darkness enters your life and taints it.
No matter how hard you try,
it will always be there.
You can try to paint over the black,
but you will find that it will only become
darker, and messier than before.

But, there is always the option
of starting again on a new page.

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