Frozen | Teen Ink


January 11, 2016
By GraceKent SILVER, Ann Arbor, Michigan
GraceKent SILVER, Ann Arbor, Michigan
9 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
What isn't given to love, is so much wasted.

I am absolutely freezing 
My finger tips feel like I have just stuck them in the snow
And the flesh on the bottom on my feet feels numb and worn out
Like my mind that feels cold and worn out
Like the tip of my nose that is icy and red and worn out
Like my entire body that is frozen and warn out
I can not breath because my lungs are too cold to pump my blood
And my eyes cannot see
What’s in front of me
The birds and the bees
The snow covered tress
Because the sky, it's dark and dreary
But I will keep walking down my street
And I will wait for the sun’s beating heat
And I will find some gloves and a hat
And I will keep moving pitter-pat, pitter-pat

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