Memory | Teen Ink


January 11, 2016
By domenica.dillon SILVER, Amesbury, Massachusetts
domenica.dillon SILVER, Amesbury, Massachusetts
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There’s blurs and flashes

Like quick clips of a movie

There’s muffled shouts and cries

Like using a pillow to cover it up

There’s dimmed color

Like all the life has drained

There’s no emotion

Like being numb in the cold

Then it all goes black

She lies on her bed

Stretched in dark beauty

The tears well, ready to flow

The quiet whimpers of a pup

She doesn’t want them to know

Know that she is pained

The thinking is too much but there’s no forgetting

And so she does not want to grow old

Then her eyes roll back

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