Hey Bro | Teen Ink

Hey Bro

January 12, 2016
By Libster GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
Libster GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Hey bro,
do you lift?

Hey bro,
you throw like a girl.
Stop acting like such a girl.
What are you, a girl?

Hey bro,
why is your shirt pink?
That’s a girl color.

Hey bro-
no wait, no hugging,
I don't want to look gay.

Hey bro,
I heard you cried
when Bambi’s mom died.
What? No!
‘Course I didn’t-
I’m no sissy.

Hey bro-
what? “Hypermasculinity?”
What are you talking about?
Chill out,
stop talking dumb,
and man up.

The author's comments:

A satirical poem about hypermasculinity. 

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