Showed Me Patience | Teen Ink

Showed Me Patience

January 5, 2016
By veronicalily SILVER, Natick, Massachusetts
veronicalily SILVER, Natick, Massachusetts
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;It seems only yesterday there was nothing under my skin but light.&quot;<br /> <br /> - Billy Collins

My father showed me patience

With a pencil in my grip
I strangled words onto the page
My hand would never slip.

"Relax a bit, my darling,"
He held my stiffened hand,
"You work to hard and go to fast
Sometimes you've got to stop and stand."

"Enjoy the time while it still lasts
See what the world has to show
Make a difference, slow and sure,
Think before you go."

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