Misty-Eyed Memories | Teen Ink

Misty-Eyed Memories

January 8, 2016
By CrimsonTearsWillFlow PLATINUM, Mesa, Arizona
CrimsonTearsWillFlow PLATINUM, Mesa, Arizona
22 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sleep. Those little slices of Death: Oh how I loathe them..."
"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity..."
"Deep into that darkness peering long I stood there. Wondering...Fearing...Doubting..."
- Edgar Allan Poe

The memory of my scarred hand in your gentle calloused hand splashed onto my black dress...

The memory of your wild laugh overpowering my soft chuckles rolled down my cheek...

The memory of your cologne lingering in my hair and on my skin made my mascara run...

The memory of the sweet, mint taste of Altoids on your tongue darkened the folded flag in my lap...

The memory of your soft, amber eyes and beautifully flawed face blurred my vision as I ran from your funeral...

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