Freedom | Teen Ink


January 4, 2016
By BrideoftheDevil BRONZE, Bangor, Maine
BrideoftheDevil BRONZE, Bangor, Maine
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hatred and sorrow are power; they are yours to control. All you have to do is turn them into strength, and use that strength to move forward." ~Sebastian Michaelis

I prefer freedom, I spit the words like it was worth nothing. 

NOT a dime.

I would thrash in my blankets as I wish I was off in some place with people I like mre, who will NOT yell at me for every little thing I say or do. 

I wanted to be free from my family so I left the yellow house with the white picket fence and drove to the city of never sleepign lights. I wanted to share my freedom with someone I love, so I married. 

My will of seeking freedom hit me like a wave of ropes and once again pulled me towards being alone. 

30 years, freedom is no longer a word I took carelessly, for its worth is so much greater. I hated freedom. 

Probably because in the end, all I ever wanted was to be free from myself. The self that wanted to live with "him" in a little yellow house with white picket fence. 

Was I ever truly free? My heart lingers......til the end of my life

The author's comments:

I was quite bored so I messed around a little with words. Although it's not my first time writing like this, I'm still an newbie. 

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